Hello, I’m Fungai
I’m passionate about learning and expanding my knowledge on anything, One of my strengths is that I think I talk less and listen more and absorb a lot from my surroundings. My family and friendships are important to me and I absolutely value time spent with them.
I am passionate about my continent – Africa – and sharing it with the rest of the world.
Top 3 destinations you’d recommend?
- Zimbabwe
- Botswana
- Kenya
Your ultimate getaway / vacation?
anywhere overlooking a water source! 😍 An island, sea or a river – there just has to be water.
What do you think makes ‘travel’ so desirable?
Travel is full of new experiences, good or bad – there’s a lot to learn from it. The different cultures/languages, landscapes and food, that alone is so exciting.
What’s the most-sought after experience for 2022?
Being on safari, just to disconnect from gadgets and enjoying nature and wildlife it’s in natural habitat.
Your favourite travel novel/movie/documentary?
Being on safari, just to disconnect from gadgets and enjoying nature and wildlife it’s in natural habitat.