
Meet the team: Fungai Gumunyu, Travel Expert

Posted on March 24, 2022, featured in General

Hello, I’m Fungai

I’m passionate about learning and expanding my knowledge on anything, One of my strengths is that I think I talk less and listen more and absorb a lot from my surroundings. My family and friendships are important to me and I absolutely value time spent with them.

I am passionate about my continent – Africa – and sharing it with the rest of the world.

Top 3 destinations you’d recommend?

  1. Zimbabwe
  2. Botswana
  3. Kenya

Your ultimate getaway / vacation?

anywhere overlooking a water source! 😍 An island, sea or a river – there just has to be water.

What do you think makes ‘travel’ so desirable?

Travel is full of new experiences, good or bad – there’s a lot to learn from it. The different cultures/languages, landscapes and food, that alone is so exciting.

What’s the most-sought after experience for 2022?

Being on safari, just to disconnect from gadgets and enjoying nature and wildlife it’s in natural habitat.

Your favourite travel novel/movie/documentary?

Being on safari, just to disconnect from gadgets and enjoying nature and wildlife it’s in natural habitat.

Let us be your guide