

Posted on February 11, 2017, featured in

You have really done a great job, completely without any remarks. In fact, we have never before (during 22 years) had an operator carrying all requests to 100%. All logistics have worked perfect, all lodges have been aware of our plans and requests. We really thank you.

Generally, all guides had very good skills as drivers and great knowledge about wildlife.

The system with Tours Africa at the airport was brilliant. Without knowing how much it cost, we find it worth every kwacha. Boarding and handling luggage always consumes a lot of power and getting rid of that was a release.

When it comes to result, we are quite satisfied considering that wildlife in Zambia has a smaller diversity than many other safari countries. Out of 4800 pictures we have got 141 different species and among them 17 new ones we have seen before. Most pleasing was that we got nice pictures of all three endemic subspecies in Zambia.

To sum up; you are a professional.